The Goat and Queen of Pentacles

Many Tarot cards depict animals. Animals have always had a special symbolism for humans and it is fun to explore how it is that a certain animal is associated with certain traits and in which other stories these animals play a role (e.g. mythology).

The Queen of Pentacles from the Waite-Smith Tarotdeck

In this blog post I want to tell you something about the Goat; Where her male counterpart has a Taurus (and a ram) on his throne, the Queen of Pentacles has a Goat depicted on her throne. Why does the Goat fits the Queen of Pentacles? What are the characteristics of Goats?

I really enjoyed reading everything about goats and it really helps to be able to interpret the card in a more creative manner.  Do we recognize traits in the Queen of Pentacles that are the same as the Goat’s? Let’s make a list and see where we end up

Caring and Nurturing

All Queens nurture and care for their element. For thousands of years, the Goat has been seen as the symbol of Caring, Fertility and Abundance. In Greek Mythology, the goat plays an important role; For example, the supreme god Zeus – who as a baby escaped the voracity of his father Cronos – was secretly left by his mother with a Goat who took care of Zeus and fed him with her milk. Later, this Goat was depicted as Nymph Amalthea.

Statue by Gian Lorenzo Bernini from about 1615 of Amalthea, Jupiter (Roman equivalent of Zeus) and a faun (a type of forest creature)
Statue by Gian Lorenzo Bernini from about 1615 of Amalthea, Jupiter (Roman equivalent of Zeus) and a faun (a type of forest creature)

2. Sustainability & Frugality

The Queen of Pentacles is known for being good with money. She doesn’t throw money down the drain, she is aware of the value of what is available and what is given to us by the earth. She likes good quality and beautiful things, but she prefers to buy them on sale. The Queen of Pentacles is therefore not a minimalist but more of an essentialist: something of good quality that always stays beautiful and lasts a long time is more important than chasing bargains. But she will still be able to keep the balance and want to make the best deal possible.

The Goat is also associated with ‘frugality’; Goats are less likely to overeat and ‘save’ food for later (they ruminate).

3. Ingenuity, relying on one’s own strength

Goats are curious, resourceful, and self-reliant. That is why they are seen as ‘spiritual guides’ in many cultures. Goats love to climb and do not shy away from challenges in this area. They trust their own balance and intuition. She ‘shows’ the way, but she doesn’t expect you to follow her path exactly. On the contrary, she encourages you to look deep within yourself for your own ‘treasures’ and hidden talents. Just as the Queen encourages you to look at what you have to offer. An inward (Yin) way of ‘opening up’ yourself, you could say. Use your own talent and be empowered!

4. Calm, Collected, and Peaceful

No matter how precarious the goat’s position, they always remain calm and “hold themselves together.” They are rarely aggressive (although they can bleat loudly when they get frustrated). Goats are very flexible and adapt very quickly. Many a Goat has managed to escape death – at first glance ‘easily’ – by a bizarre jump or move that they seem to perform calmly and ‘coolly’.

The Queen of Pentacles always knows a way or cleverness to arrange something. Because she is close to the earth, it not only makes use of everything that is available, but it is also very practical. It’s not just a creative idea, it also ‘works’. Whenever you’re in trouble in any way, the Queen of Pentacles always knows a way out!

5. Selfcare

It is true that the goat has caring as a quality. The goat has a lot to give (milk, wool). But the goat also symbolizes taking good care of yourself. She withdraws, alone and somewhat hidden and just does what she feels she has to do. And what you need to do to recharge and regain energy is different for everyone. That’s why the Queen of Pentacles is also THE self-care card!